Hearing Solutions
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Hearing loss
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Age-related hearing loss
Sudden hearing loss
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Noise-induced hearing loss
What is Tinnitus?
Causes and symptoms
Prevention and treatment
My journey to better hearing
Do I need a hearing aid?
Hearing aids: What to expect
Better Hearing Guarantee
Free 10-day hearing aid trial
Lifetime Free Care for your new hearing aids
Hearing protection: An investment in health
Hearing Aid Insurance
Types of hearing aids
Receiver-in-canal (RIC)
Behind-the-ear (BTE)
In-the-Ear (ITE)
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Hearing Solutions
Hearing Aid Costs, Funding and Offers
Hearing Aid Costs
EasyHear monthly payments
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Hearing aid funding
ACC fully funded hearing aids
Hearing aid accessories
The evolution of hearing
Penelope: Delivering better hearing to NZ
How hearing aids work
Modern hearing aids - Bluetooth connected
Triton World of Hearing - Hear The Future
The right hearing aid
Free Consumer's Guide to Hearing Aids
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Benefits of hearing aids
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Ten Packs
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Raising the subject of hearing loss
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Stress and Tinnitus: The 5 best ways to relieve stress
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A revolution in hearing tech
Experience the new Phonak Sphere Infinio, a world first
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Hearing loss
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Noise-induced hearing loss
What is Tinnitus?
Causes and symptoms
Prevention and treatment
My journey to better hearing
Do I need a hearing aid?
Hearing aids: What to expect
Better Hearing Guarantee
Free 10-day hearing aid trial
Lifetime Free Care for your new hearing aids
Hearing protection: An investment in health
Hearing Aid Insurance
Types of hearing aids
Receiver-in-canal (RIC)
Behind-the-ear (BTE)
In-the-Ear (ITE)
Popular brands
Hearing Aid Costs, Funding and Offers
Hearing Aid Costs
EasyHear monthly payments
Latest offers
Hearing aid funding
ACC fully funded hearing aids
Hearing aid accessories
The evolution of hearing
Penelope: Delivering better hearing to NZ
How hearing aids work
Modern hearing aids - Bluetooth connected
Triton World of Hearing - Hear The Future
The right hearing aid
Free Consumer's Guide to Hearing Aids
Which hearing aid should I choose?
Benefits of hearing aids
Order hearing aid trials online
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Hearing aid maintenance and cleaning
Troubleshooting hearing aids
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Earwax Treatment
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Tauranga Hearing Clinics
Wellington Hearing Clinics
In the Triton Hearing online shop, you will find a range of quality hearing aid products.
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Ten Packs
Wax Filters
Hearing Protection
Blog overview
Hearing & Hearing Loss
Hearing Aids & Technologies
Hearing Protection
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Raising the subject of hearing loss
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Stress and Tinnitus: The 5 best ways to relieve stress
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Subscription Policies
Subscription update
We are no longer accepting new applications for our Pay As You Hear subscription payment option. As an alternative, you may be interested in our
monthly payment option.
1. What we provide
- 1.a -
We will provide you with Phonak hearing device/s ("device/s") in accordance with your selected technology level or Phonak accessories or Phonak ActiveVent receivers.
- 1.b -
We will also provide maintenance, care and support for your devices. This includes:
-- 1.b.1 --
hearing tests and adjustments/fine tuning of your device/s, as required;
-- 1.b.2 --
service of your device/s including cleaning and receiver replacements; and
-- 1.b.3 --
batteries and consumables including moisture kits and tablets, domes, receivers, tubes, and wax filters, in accordance with fair use expectations
-- 1.b.4 --
upgrade to the Phonak Lumity, after 3 years from date of first fitting
-- 1.b.5 --
non-rechargeable batteries will be provided as an annual supply (2 boxes of 10 cards per device per year for size 10 batteries, otherwise I box per device per year).
- 1.c -
Phonak accessories will be upgraded to the latest equivalent technology level to maintain compatibility with your hearing aid(s).
- 1.d -
Phonak ActiveVent receivers will be replaced as needed due to wax and moisture damage, up to 4 times per year.
- 1.e -
To be eligible for a subscription, you must be living in New Zealand. We do not provide device upgrades or maintenance, care and support while you are outside New Zealand.
2. Payment
- 2.a -
Your subscription period will commence on your initial fitting date. We will provide the device/s to you on the initial fitting date for a free trial period of 30 days. The trial period end date is the date that is 30 days after the initial fitting of your device/s. During the trial period, there is no obligation to continue the subscription after the trial period end date. If you do not wish to proceed with the subscription, you must return the device/s to us in fair and reasonable condition on or before the trial period end date, along with all other products provided. We will not charge you any subscription fees for device/s returned on or before the trial period end date. If the device/s are not returned before the end of the trial period, you will be deemed to have agreed to continue with the subscription.
- 2.b -
The subscription fee will be charged monthly in advance. Your first payment will be automatically deducted from your preferred payment method the day after the trial period end date. We will continue to automatically charge you every month after that until you cancel your subscription in accordance with clause 3.
- 2.c -
We will not increase the subscription price for 36 months from the initial fitting date. We reserve the right to change the subscription price after this period.
- 2.d -
We will provide you with one months' written notice of any price increases or changes to these subscription terms.
3. Cancellation
- 3.a -
You can cancel your subscription at any time by returning the device/s to us at a Triton Hearing clinic. Any subscription payment (part or full) made in respect of any period after the cancellation date will be refunded provided the devices are returned in the required condition as defined in clause 5.e.
- 3.b -
We reserve the right to cancel your subscription if we cannot charge your preferred payment method. You must return the device/s to us within 10 days of cancellation.
- 3.c -
If you intend to travel outside for a continuous period longer than 6 months, please contact us to arrange a return or purchase of your device/s. If you are outside New Zealand for longer, we reserve the right to cancel your subscription, in which case you must return the device/s to us within 10 days.
4. Using government subsidies
- 4.a -
If eligible, you may use government subsidies to contribute to your subscription costs. Triton Hearing will process these subsidies on your behalf, only once the 30-day trial finishes and the subscription is active. Triton Hearing will complete all applicable paperwork that is required by ACC or the Ministry of Health, including obtaining your signed consent on an ACC 611 finalisation form (if claiming ACC).
- 4.b -
If your subscription is cancelled within 60 days of fitting, any claimed subsidies will be repaid to ACC or the Ministry of Health.
- 4.c -
If the subscription is cancelled after the 60-day period, any claimed subsidies will not be repaid to ACC or the Ministry of Health and are unable to be re-used. Subsidies for each hearing aid are available no more than once every six years.
5. Ownership and liability
- 5.a -
At the end of the 30 day trial period, the devices become your property. You must not offer or sell the devices to any third parties. Any follow up appointments, repairs or maintenance in relation to the device/s must be completed at a Triton Hearing clinic.
- 5.b -
You are responsible for the safe custody and care of the device/s and any other related products and accessories. You are also responsible for ensuring the device/s are covered by your insurance policy. You will be liable for the costs of any repair or replacement of your device/s required as a result of loss of the device/s or damage that is not fair wear and tear or an inherent defect. The charge for replacement device/s will be the loss/damage fee set out in clause 5.f.
- 5.c -
If you return all products to us at a Triton Hearing clinic within 60 days of the initial fitting date you will receive a full refund of any subscription money paid. If you cancel 60 days or more after fitting, we will provide a refund of any subscription monies paid in advance for any period beyond the current month, as at the date the device/s are returned.
- 5.d -
All refunds will be processed within 14 working days of the device/s being returned to us in the required condition.
- 5.e -
If your subscription is cancelled, you must return the device/s to us, at which time they automatically become our property. Device/s must be returned in fair and reasonable condition, which is defined as a product that is in working order and that has not suffered any damage other than fair wear and tear or an inherent defect, as reasonably determined by a Triton Hearing clinician.
- 5.f -
If you do not return the device/s to Triton Hearing in fair and reasonable condition as defined in clause 5.e or do not return the device/s within the timeframe set out in clause 3.b, we reserve the right to charge you a loss/damage fee. The loss/damage fee at the commencement of the subscription period (and at the time of any upgrade under clause 1.b) will be a sum equivalent to the retail price of the device/s, and will reduce by 1.4% for each month of the subscription period. By way of example, if your subscription ends after 10 months, the loss/damage fee will be 86% of the retail price.
- 5.g -
Where Triton Hearing has received and retained government subsidies for your device/s, the subsidies will be applied first towards the charges incurred under your subscription for those device/s, and any remaining unused subsidies will then be applied towards any loss/damage fee charged for those device/s. You will need to pay any part of the loss/damage fee not covered by the unused subsidies.
6. Personal information
- 6.a -
You agree to provide us with accurate and complete personal information.
- 6.b -
We take your privacy seriously and will only deal with your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
- 6.c -
You have the right to view and change any personal information we hold about you at any time. Please contact us in one of the ways set out in clause 7.
- 6.d -
We may share your data with third parties who provide services on our behalf, who are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your data in line with our policies. We permit them to process your data only for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. We do not allow them to use your data for their own purposes. Credit card transactions are processed through 3rd party payment software that are PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant and all merchant service providers meet and exceed all industry-standard payment security practices.
- 6.e -
Sonova Audiological Care NZ Limited's consumer and privacy policies are available to view on www.tritonhearing.co.nz.
7. Complaints
At Triton Hearing. we aim to provide excellent customer service. However, we acknowledge that in some cases your expectations may have not been met, so we also aim to resolve any problems and complaints quickly and effectively.
To give us feedback, please get in touch in one of the following ways:
Call: 0800 45 45 42
Email: info@tritonhearing.co.nz
Mail: Triton Hearing, PO Box 14096, Christchurch 8154.
If you feel your concerns have still not been adequately addressed, you can get in touch with the Health and Disability Commission to discuss your concerns: http://www.hdc.org.nz/
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Mon–Fri, 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM Phone 0800 45 45 43
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Mon–Fri, 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM NZT Phone from overseas +64 9 281 4329
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