Our range of hearing is from 20 to 20,000 Hertz and so wide that we can tell the difference between about 400,000 different frequencies. Of course, there are many more frequencies that even people with perfect hearing simply cannot hear, because they fall outside our hearing range. For instance, the human ear cannot process ultrasonic sound waves.
In New Zealand, 6 out of 10 over 60, and 1 in 6.of all Kiwis suffer from
hearing loss, with many of these experiencing
age-related hearing loss.
Age-related hearing loss is caused by changes in the sensory part of the inner ear. Over time, people with age-related hearing loss will find it harder, particularly, to hear high frequency sounds. This affects how clearly they hear and understand speech, as well as making it more difficult to understand sounds in noisy environments.
If you notice that you have trouble understanding people around you,
make an appointment with a Triton Hearing clinician. With a 20-minute hearing health check, you will know how well you are able to hear, and what sounds you may be missing.