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In the Triton Hearing online shop, you will find a range of quality hearing aid products.
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How do we hear?
Our ears are like antennae picking up signals from different directions. The complex structures of the ear process these signals and pass them on to the brain, where they are interpreted. Therefore, for optimum hearing, it is best if both ears are fully functioning. But what exactly happens when sound waves enter the ear?
Hearing loss
Just like our eyes, ears play an important role in our daily lives. To hear family talk about their day, share a joke with a friend, listen to the crunch of the sand or the sound of a summer breeze – these are the sounds that enrich our lives. But hearing loss can sneak up on you, reducing your enjoyment of these precious moments. Hearing loss can be triggered by loud noises, infections and it can even be hereditary. Although hearing loss is gradual in most cases, it can occur suddenly. Fortunately, in most cases hearing loss can be improved, or even fully corrected, using a hearing aid. Find out how.
My journey to better hearing
Are you always having to ask people to repeat themselves? Is your TV too loud for other people? Do you sometimes miss the doorbell or phone? If you think you might be affected by hearing loss, don't wait any longer: The sooner your hearing impairment is investigated by an audiologist, the greater your quality of life will be in the future. Find out the best way to proceed.
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